Welcome to DBC Baby Bedding Co Blog!

Welcome to DBC Baby Bedding Co Blog!
by DBC Baby Bedding on Feb 24 2022
Congratulations on your New Addition!
When you’re preparing for your first child’s arrival, or even your second or third child’s arrival, it can be tempting to excessively outfit their future bedroom with many, many things - and by this, we really mean all of the things. There are just so many baby gadgets out there and our society tends to make you feel like you need to have all of them, but in reality, you really don’t. To help you save a good deal of money and space, it’s better to focus on some of the nursery essentials at first and then consider what else that you and your newborn will need to be happy, healthy, warm, and safe.
Baby Bedding Comes First!
Although nothing but pure, unfiltered love and compassion is more important to successfully raise your baby, it is nice to have those nursery essentials to make the daunting challenge of parenting just a little easier. Well, (besides diapers), what could be more essential than having proper nursery bedding to ensure that your little one gets the quality rest that they need? For the very best in handcrafted, unique crib bedding and other newborn bedding products, trust in DBC Baby Bedding Co to provide new and expecting parents with the right custom baby bedding solutions. Feel free to browse our nursery collection here!
Besides nursery bedding, let’s look into other nursery essentials that you should strongly consider having.
Essentials: Crib And A Mattress
Let’s start with a crib and a mattress, even though we’ve already covered these things. A newborn can spend up to 16 hours a day sleeping, so it’s worth overemphasizing the importance of their sleep setup. Here’s a quick money-saving tip: if you plan on having multiple children and you’re expecting your first, then choose a gender neutral crib that will last. Not that this is a problem with anything you’d buy at DBC Baby Bedding Co, but make sure that the crib itself meets the current safety standards.
Essentials: A Good Rocking Chair
Investing in a quality-built rocking chair is well worth the money, especially when you consider how much time you’ll be spending sitting in it. Indeed, some of the most precious and intimate moments with your infant will be rocking and feeding your baby. So, choose a rocker that has some nice, comfortable padding. If you can, try out a few chairs instead of blindly ordering one online to make sure that it actually feels comfortable to you. Lumbar support for Mom or Dad is very essential! Shop our Decorative Minky Pillow covers to finish out the style of your nursery.
Essentials: A Dresser
You’ll probably want a dresser to store things like clothes, diapers, blankets, burp cloths, towels, and so forth. Plus, a decently-sized dresser can also double as a changing table to save you both money and space - things that are incredibly valuable, especially in light of raising a child. Bonus points if you get a dresser that matches your rocking chair and crib!
Nice To Have: A Baby Monitor
Some parents swear by the baby monitor, while others never really thought that it was necessary. Ultimately, getting a baby monitor is up to your judgment as parents (as is just about everything), but they can be nice to have. You’re paying for a peace of mind as well as the convenience of not having to physically check up on your baby risking waking that peaceful baby sleep.
Baby monitors range in price and quality, from intricate video camera setups to simply audio feedback devices. Highly recommend a monitor with a video device so you can look, whether you have an infant or they have grown to the climbing toddler phase, you will still be able to check their safety.
If you don't have a low Dresser: A Changing Table
As we mentioned above, your dresser can double as a changing table - in fact, many new parents or expecting parents purchase a dresser with this primary purpose in mind. Changing tables are really just a dedicated surface to change diapers, and since there are many practical objects and pieces of furniture that have flat surfaces on them, if that is not an option purchase on a changing table. Instead, opt for a changing pad that you can place on your dresser. Trust us; you’ll be spending a lot more money on other things that are more important than a dedicated changing table.
Soothing Sounds: Mobiles And White Noise Makers
While some particularly feisty babies may need something like a mobile or a white noise maker to soothe and quiet themselves. Most babies actually tend to be soothed from motion like rocking and/or swinging.
Build A Quality Nursery With DBC Baby Bedding Co
We take pride in providing high-quality nursery bedding solutions for your new baby, and with our unique baby bedding sets, we’re confident that you’ll find something that looks great and stands the test of time. Get the best for you and your baby by shopping our baby bedding sets today here at DBC Baby Bedding Co! Made in the USA.