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Useful Penny-Pinching Tips For New Parents
by DBC Baby Bedding on Jan 05 2025
More so than a brand-new home, a fancy car, or even world-class college education, raising a child is by far the most expensive thing that you could possibly invest in. It’s hardly any secret that kids are immensely expensive, and hey, giving the gift of life through you and your partner’s bond is a beautiful thing, so the financial aspect of parenting is beyond worth it. Life itself is absolutely precious and priceless, so there’s really nothing that you wouldn’t do or buy to help raise your baby - within reason, of course.
Though you’ll be spending up to hundreds of thousands of dollars on raising one kid (the numbers depend on many factors, of course), it helps to save some dollars here and there when you can. Naturally, you and your significant other will still need to take care of yourselves, and so it makes sense to be frugal sometimes. Fortunately, there are a number of money-savvy things that new and even seasoned parents can do to stretch your dollar just a little bit farther.
Custom Nursery Bedding That’s Worth It
DBC Baby Bedding Co sells premium, top-quality baby bedding for those crucial first months of life and beyond, and we firmly believe that the investment in a proper nursery is a wise one. Infancy, one of the single most important stages of life, needs to be cradled safely and securely with the help of our custom baby bedding solutions. With crib bedding that’s safe, cozy and nurturing for your little baby, you’ll be setting them up for a healthy life full of happiness and wonder. What more could a parent really want besides raising a happy and successful child? We’re honored that we can help with this. Learn more by checking out our nursery bedding collections today.
Make Your Own Baby Food
Baby food is notoriously expensive, especially in the (admittedly convenient) plastic pouches that they often come in these days. Making your own baby food actually isn’t very difficult, and you’ll save a good chunk of money in the process. When you have some free time over the weekend (a rarity for most parents of newborns), spend a couple of hours making your own purees and freezing them in ice-cube trays to make small portions that are appropriate for younger babies.
For older babies, consider purchasing reusable food pouches and filling them with your own purees or applesauce purchased by the jar (organic applesauce or applesauce without any added sugar is the healthier way to go). Feeding your growing baby pureed baby food is only a small stage in the grand scheme of life, but the costs of buying store bought, ready-to-go baby food add up very fast.
Shop Children’s Consignment Sales
If you’re worried about the condition of some of the items at consignment sales, don’t be. The clothing, toys and baby gear all sold at children’s consignment sales are required to be in excellent condition in order to be sold. The best part? These items are often priced at fifty to seventy percent off full retail prices, meaning that you can get a lot of essential baby-related items for a total bargain. The range of items that you can purchase gently used at a consignment sale is actually quite immense, generally speaking, including things like books, DVDs, puzzles, maternity wear, baby monitors, and more.
Plus, because your baby will eventually grow up to become a child, they will grow out of many of these items. So, not only can you save a ton of money shopping at children’s consignment sales, but you can also earn money by consigning your children’s outgrown clothing and toys. It’s a win-win!
Buy Gifts Year-Round
Why not? Buying presents around the holidays is not a good way to save money, but by looking out for deals all year long and paying attention to what your loved ones might want, you can definitely save more than a few dollars. We recommend shopping after-holiday sales to pick up toys and other gifts at hefty discounts. By planning ahead, you’ll be able to amass a “gift closet” for birthdays and other special events throughout the year. If you’re shopping for a children’s birthday party, set a simple budget and stick to it.
Your Public Library Is Your Friend
In the days of digital technology and easily accessible information on the internet, libraries have become more of an afterthought for many people. We think that libraries have become underrated, because here’s the best part about them: They’re free! Not only can you check out books about anything and everything for the entire family, but you can also check out DVDs and audiobooks at little to no cost.
Most libraries also offer a range of free activities and wholesome community-oriented events for children, so be sure to check out your local library’s event calendar. All things considered, the library is a wonderful, positive learning environment for a developing child to spend time in. Just make sure that they’re not too loud!
Your Baby’s Nursery Is A Foundation For Life
As the parent of a baby, how you spend your money and what you choose to buy for your young one is ultimately up to you. Regardless of how you and your partner go about it, it’s fair to say that parents agree on one thing, and that is providing the best quality of life possible for their child. To us here at DBC Baby Bedding Co, that means getting things started on the right foot with the help of our personalized crib bedding products. From unique newborn bedding to custom baby blankets and plenty of other items to keep your baby safe and sound, get the best nursery products for your baby today!