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Check Out These Statistics On Parenting In America
by DBC Baby Bedding on Jan 05 2025
If you’re a new parent or you’re going to be a new parent soon (congratulations either way!), then chances are that you’ll be grouped into various parenting demographics over time. Even if you’re not a data junkie, it can be pretty interesting to look into statistics and information, especially when what you’re reading is relevant to your own life. If you’ve been tackling your parental responsibilities for some time now, how do you think you’re doing?
Helping New Parents And Their Children Learn And Grow
In another blog post geared toward you parents out there, the custom baby bedding pros at DBC Baby Bedding Co are going to discuss various parenting statistics in the United States. Whether or not you live in this country, you’re bound to be able to relate to at least some of this data, and if not, then it may still provide some thought-sparking ideas or insight about how you’re doing as a parent and everything that goes into the experience.
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Doing A Good Job
No parent wants to admit that they’re doing a bad job at being a mom or dad, and the truth is that it will never be a perfect experience for anyone - that’s just not how parenting was designed. According to a Pew research poll, most parents report that they feel like they’re doing a good job raising their kids, and this is fairly consistent across different income groups. Indeed, nearly identical shares of parents with incomes of $75,000 or higher (46%), $30,000 to $74,999 (44%) and less than $30,000 (46%) say that they are doing a very good job as parents, with similar shares saying that they’re doing a good job.
What’s interesting is that these parental self-assessments don’t differ by income, but there is some variance across other demographic divides, such as gender and generation. Among all parents, more mothers than fathers say they are doing a very good job raising their children (51% vs 39%), and Millennial mothers are particularly inclined to give themselves a positive rating. Nearly six-in-ten or 57% of moms ages 18 to 34 say that they are doing a very good job as a parent, representing a higher share than Millennial dads (43%) or any other generational group.
Being Overprotective
This one might not come as too much of a surprise, but in the same poll, mothers turned out to be more overprotective than fathers. About six-in-ten parents or 62% said that they can sometimes be overprotective, while a quarter of respondents said that they tend to give their children a little too much freedom. In several key ways, mothers and fathers approach parenting from a different angle. Mothers are more likely than fathers to say that they can be overprotective as well as give in a little too quickly and excessively praise their children. This might be because mothers generally tend to have more extensive support networks that they rely on for advice about parenting. This means that mothers are much more likely than fathers to turn to family members and friends as well as parenting resources like books, magazines, and online articles.
Importance Of Identity
There is at least one key area identified in the Pew survey where gender did not make a difference. In what could be considered “wholesome” data, mothers and fathers are equally likely to say that being a parent is extremely important to their overall identity. In the poll, about six-in-ten moms (58%) and dads (57%) reported this, and an additional 35% and 37% reported that being a parent is very important to their overall identity, respectively.
A Healthy Balance Of Parental Involvement
When it comes to parental involvement in their child’s education and other matters, this is where things become a little more polarized. About half of respondents (53%) of those with school-age children reported that they were satisfied with their level of engagement, whereas the other 46% said that they wish they could be doing more. Another interesting point is that most parents generally don’t think children should feel bad about getting poor grades, so long as they are trying hard. Totally fair, right? Well, on the flipside, about half of respondents (52%) said that they would be “very disappointed” if their children were average students. Is this indicative of overly strict or harsh parenting? It’s not up to us to decide, but it’s an interesting thought to consider.
Give Your Baby A Solid Foundation With Our Custom Baby Bedding
Regardless of where you fit into these parenting statistics, ensuring that your new baby has the very best baby bedding and custom nursery bedding solutions from DBC Baby Bedding Co is very important. Secure a healthy life for your own baby by shopping our baby nursery bedding sets online today!