Some Surprising Myths About Parenthood
It’s pretty well known that parenthood is one of the most difficult yet incredibly rewarding things that anyone could do in their life. If our sole biological purpose as human beings is to procreate and carry on offspring, then parenthood can also be considered the single most important thing that people could ever do. What’s interesting is that, despite how much importance we weigh on this responsibility and privilege to be able to raise a child, there exist a good number of misconceptions and myths about parenthood. Whether this misinformation is coming from those who’ve never been parents before or perhaps from parents of several generations ago, it’s interesting to see how standard parenting practices and how to be the best parent ever can change throughout time.
Helping Your Newborn Grow Healthy, Safe And Strong
You see, at DBC Baby Bedding Co, we’re invested in the health and wellbeing of your new baby. If you’re an expecting parent or a brand new parent of a newborn, we congratulate you! We’re proud to support new and expecting parents by providing what we believe to be the very best in custom nursery bedding and custom baby bedding. Your precious angel needs a great amount of rest after being introduced to this world, and that’s why we think it’s so important that each parent sets up their nursery ahead of time with the right unique baby bedding sets, baby sheet sets, custom crib bedding collections, and more. Design the nursery of your dreams with the help of DBC Baby Bedding Co today!
Now, in the interest of providing advice to new or expecting parents, let’s go ahead and dive into some of this misinformation about being a parent. Parenting is far from easy, but knowing the right information definitely helps!
Myth: The Age Of Two Is Always A Difficult Time
Right off the bat, in fairness, helping your child safely grow up in the world is always going to be a trying experience no matter who you are. The “twos”, or the period of time between 18 months to 30 months for your baby, are only terrible if you’re unprepared. If you’re anywhere near a normal parent who obviously wants the very best love and care for your child, then we trust that you’ll make it a point to be prepared for all stages of your child’s life.
It is true that sometime during this stretch, it’s practically certain that your sweet, seemingly-innocent baby will grow a feisty, stubborn toddler-like temperament. Yes, dealing with this can be overly taxing, especially if you have multiple kids. Just remember to keep your eye on the positive side of things and know that your child will eventually grow out of this.
Myth: You Should Never Bribe Your Child Under Any Circumstances
To be clear, bribing your child is almost always a bad idea, and we’re not recommending that you do so. However, if you avoid bribing 98 percent of the time, there’s definitely some useful value in those 2 percent of situations where decent behavior just seems impossible. Promising to buy something at the end of the day so that they’ll cooperate isn’t all that bad, again, so long as it is not a habitual thing. Needless to say, on a practical level, bribery costs money, and it also loses its effectiveness pretty quickly. You’ll also want to avoid resorting to bribery whenever possible because you don’t want to be sending a message along the lines of this: “You don’t have to behave like a civilized human being unless there’s something in it for you.”
Myth: Babies Who Walk And Talk Early Are The Smartest Of Their Peer Group
You would naturally assume that this is true. However, as it turns out, earlier-than-average talking and walking skills are relatively meaningless in the grand scheme of life. If anything, these highly noticeable developmental milestones are more of a measure of motor development as opposed to IQ or intellect. Both talking and walking require normal nerve growth which occurs at its own pace in each child.
Myth: Having A Baby Ruins Sex Indefinitely
Having a baby does not ruin your sex life; it changes it. Sex can very well return to its pre-baby norm - the trick is for couples not to put too much pressure on themselves, be patient, and let the physical intimacy return slowly. Keep in mind that your sexual triggers will likely change as well. Instead of lingerie or that nice dress shirt, something as seemingly non-sexual as a good night’s sleep and a trusted babysitter could do more in the way of getting your hormones going.
Myth: Parents Shouldn’t Have Disagreements In Front Of Their Children
It’s difficult to generalize this myth. If the parents are violently lashing out at each other and raising their voices to uncomfortable levels, this should not happen in front of the child (and, quite frankly, should not happen at all in light of a happy and healthy marriage). However, calm, low-volume and rational blame-free discussions are something different. If your child is old enough to roughly grasp what is going on, they might very well learn valuable life lessons about conflict resolution in the context of a healthy adult relationship.
Finding The Perfect Custom Baby Bedding Isn’t As Challenging As Parenting
DBC Baby Bedding Co makes it easy for your little one to sleep safely and comfortably, helping you experience a sense of relief as a new parent. Shop our nursery bedding collections and personalized crib bedding today!