Helpful Tips To Soothe A Crying Baby
If you’re a new parent or you’re expecting a second child on the way, then you’re surely familiar with comforting your crying baby...well, at least attempting to soothe your crying baby. It’s easier said than done, and in many instances, gently cradling your child and letting her cry until the day’s end is more or less the only option. And hey, at least it’s completely natural for new babies to cry - after all, it’s their only form of vocal communication indicating that he or she needs something. That being said, it’s also a natural parental response to comfort their child and make everything better. Have you tried every single trick in the book?
DBC Baby Bedding Co Helps New Parents With Their Baby
A cranky baby might be the result of a bad crib or bad crib bedding. A happy, healthy baby is made possible by getting quality nutrition, tender love and care, and of course, rest. That’s why DBC Baby Bedding Co makes the very best custom baby bedding and bedding for cribs to ensure that your special little one gets her much needed sleep. We completely understand that babies are inherently fussy and that they’re not always easy sleepers, even if they are completely adorable. So, in today’s blog post, we’re going to cover some useful tips to help you, as a sleep-deprived parent, comfort your wailing child. Let’s take a look, and afterward, don’t forget to check out our main collection of baby nursery bedding sets!
Gently Wrap The Baby
Akin to something as ridiculously cute as a “baby burrito”, wrapping your baby cozily in a thin, lightweight blanket with her arms across her chest can have the most wonderful calming effect. Swaddled babies generally tend to sleep longer and more soundly as well.
If you think about why this is effective, it really starts to make sense: A womb is not a particularly “roomy” piece of real estate, meaning that your new baby is probably still accustomed to being packed closely in a warm, tight-packed environment. Emulating the environment that your baby spent so long in will help stop the constant tears and make your baby feel safe and secure.
Appropriate Levels Of Noise
Absolute silence or just “house noises” might unnerve your baby. This is because they’ve been used to existing in the womb, in which your baby could hear the sounds of the mother’s heart, the rush of blood, the gurgling of the stomach, and so forth. So, depending on the personality or preference of the baby, silence isn’t necessarily golden.
Try turning on a fan, as the soft whirring tones can be music to a fussy baby’s ears. Using a vacuum cleaner from afar has also proved to work for some parents, but just make sure that your baby isn’t too close as their hearing is still quite sensitive. White noise machines or white noise applications on smartphones are also a pretty good way to go.
The Classic Binky
A lot of moms out there seem to have a concern that using a pacifier will cause their baby to develop a bad habit, but according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), there’s nothing necessarily wrong with giving a newborn a pacifier. All children are different, of course, but some children have strong sucking needs that are quickly soothed by the power of the binky. Most babies tend to give up on the pacifier around the seventh month or so, but don’t worry if your baby still favors the binky because they’ll grow out of it eventually.
Rocking And Swinging
Gently rocking and swinging is great, because hey, why not get a little workout in as a new parent? Rock-a-bye baby is a classic soothing technique. Simply place your baby in your arms, stand with your feet slightly more than hip-width apart, and swivel back and forth at the hips. As long as you’re holding your baby close, relatively vigorous movement should be fine. Of course, when you get tired of doing rock-a-bye baby on your own, using a rocking chair is a good idea.
A vacuum cleaner can accomplish this (albeit being quite loud for your baby’s ultra-sensitive ears), but “good vibrations” have proven to soothe distraught babies. The vibrating motion of something like a washing machine or a dryer has saved the sanity of many frustrated parents. It might sound weird, but place your baby in an infant seat, put it on top of the appliance, and hold onto it firmly so that the seat stays in place.
The subtle vibrations of the road may also help, so taking your baby for a quick car ride is an idea worth considering. If the weather is particularly nice out, consider a nice stroller ride down the block (and hey, saving even a bit of fuel is always a good thing).
Other Random Pointers
- A quick change of scenery can be distracting enough to calm your newborn’s cries.
- Some babies find stroking soothing, so a gentle massage is worth trying out.
- Dim the lights and shut off the TV or computer.
- Check the room temperature and your baby’s clothes.
A Good Night’s Rest Starts With The Right Custom Baby Bedding From Us
It might be rare that your new baby actually goes an extended period of time without waking up, but our personalized crib bedding sets and custom nursery bedding solutions at least ensure that your restless angel is safe and secure. Shop the best baby bedding here at DBC Baby Bedding Co!